Do Anjaane (1976)
Mysterious past catching up with the present !
23 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Can an Indian, traditional, that too, a Bengali , middle-class , simple wife, may be talented, but not wayward, go to the extent of doing away with her husband ? for the sake of her ambition, to shine on the silver screen ? And can a husband, forgive her for her mistakes, and accept her ? these are some of the baffling questions, raised by Do Anjaane, of Amitabh, Rekha, and Prem chopra. Basically, the plot line takes a bold step, by bringing the villain, in charge of the overall affairs, of the once docile wife, now in the lime light, and in the fast lane. They seem to be quite closely connected, being together all the time ! some how, the ambitious woman that she is, played by Rekha , tends to keep the middleman at bay, when required, to his irritation, and mounting frustration. He screams at her, after all, I am the one, who made you what you are today. The first half of the movie deals with, Amitabh, enacting a simple , but not a stupid guy, who loves his wife, and son, Rekha, unhappy with their social and financial low status, Prem Chopra, a slimy guy, who knows how to take advantage of the situation, and finally, going to the gruesome extent, by pushing somewhat drunk, yet outspoken hero, out of the running train !

in the second part, which is more or less, seems dragged, and loses it's tempo, while explaining all the happenings, in between the wife becoming an upcoming heroine, much in demand , and the hero, who has survived the tragedy, living with his newly found, rich and kind, loving, parents ! The son is tucked away in a Boarding School, as obviously, the glamorous lady has no time for his upbringing ! Enter Amitabh, and Rekha starts sweating under her heavy make-up, and sequined dresses, frightened at the striking similarity, between this rich, handsome, polished gentleman, who wishes to produce a film, with no one else, but her in the leading role ! And lo !The story matches so much with her own past ! Now this is a real panic situation . The villain is also suspicious, but has no clue. momentarily convinced, after phoning the hero's father, they try to take things for granted. Amitabh also visits his son in the school, and there is that adorable song, Lul Cheep, which makes the son realize, and even the kind Principal, that indeed , this is the long lost father ! Things end happily after all, with some turmoil, fighting, and Rekha realizing what she had missed. Amitabh , Rekha and Prem Chopra, are perfectly cast in their respective roles. Utpal Dutt is as usual, most natural, and helps to lighten the mood of the movie, otherwise heavy, with anticipation, and Rekha's agony. Especially, his efforts at pronouncing the difficult Hindi words, gives a different touch to his personality. But it is Amitabh, who steals the show. One of his memorable performances, he has superbly underplayed, not giving in to the temptation of being melodramatic ! though clichéd in a way, that the hero should survive, and fall in hands of rich people, who literally adopt such a grown up son at that, and the wife going to the extent of secretly wishing that her husband, who doesn't think it's proper for her to be in front of the leering public, should be eliminated, is some what hard to digest! if we accept the film with these basic conceptual flaws, it's worth watching for melodious songs, good dialogs, and excellent acting ! Yet, I have rated this movie on 6 out of ten, because, it doesn't convince on the situations, where the hero boldly encounters his wife, with gifts, ideas, and reminders, when she can easily find out , who the hell he is ! Forget the flaws, and enjoy the movie, not too bad by Indian cinema standards !
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