Review of Fear

Fear (1996)
5 January 2007
Well this is about as bad as movies get. Nothing to see here, move along. If you must know the threadbare plot follows 16-year old Nicole Walker, played by Reese Witherspoon. Sure is a long way from this garbage to an Academy Award for Miss Witherspoon. But I digress. Anyhow, young Nicole falls in love with seemingly sweet, nice, perfectly charming David McCall, played by Mark Wahlberg who somehow managed to salvage an acting career after appearing in this movie and thus was spared a lifetime of "Whatever happened to that Marky Mark guy" questions. Of course if David is as seemingly wonderful as he initially seems this movie would have a different title. As it is, David soon reveals himself to be a murderous lunatic and everybody does not in fact live happily ever after.

So what's wrong with this movie you ask? In a nutshell, everything. The script is terrible, with some of the most god-awful dialogue ever heard. The characters are all clichéd, pulled straight out of so many similar and infinitely better movies that had come before. This film has nothing new to offer, it's just a painfully bad rehash. It's meant to be suspenseful and shocking. In fact it's just laughable. Nothing here is believable, the whole thing is over to the top to the point of stupidity. Don't even get me started on why Nicole's completely ordinary family lives in a home with more security features than Fort Knox. It's downright ludicrous, an artificial attempt to make the climax of the film more dramatic. Unfortunately by the film's climax you'll be stifling yawns. If you haven't already given up and turned the thing off. You get the sense everyone involved with this movie would like to forget it ever happened. If you ever are unlucky enough to have to sit through it you'll wish you could forget it too.
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