Sole Survivor (1970 TV Movie)
A fantastic movie that's never been forgotten
31 December 2006
Like everyone else, I first saw this movie only one time on TV as a kid and have been haunted by it ever since (at least 25 years). The ending, of course, is the big magnet that pulls so strongly even decades later, but the guys' dialog as they played baseball must've also struck a chord during the post-Vietnam age when political sentiments were still intense. Like so many others here I've tried searching all kinds of keywords on web searches, with no luck, before finally hitting the right combination today and landing the title in a discussion somewhere - which I immediately double-checked on IMDb. Having confirmed that this is the right film, now I've even found a place in Canada, Lear Media, that has the movie on DVD. I just hope it's not one of the "edited to death" versions that's under so much discussion. (I also hope the rumors about Richard Donnor bringing this back via an Iraq War remake hold true, because that would put the story in very good hands.) My DVD order's in. Ten days from now I'll be watching this excellent movie for the second time in my life!
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