Review of Decasia

Decasia (2002)
Continuing decay
24 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a found-footage montage of archival imagery that has rotted and degraded over time. A 55 piece orchestra plays with detuned and broken instruments in order to increase the feeling of perpetual decay. This film works in cycles, with lots of spinning objects, circular editing, and focus on the film footage in its reel form itself. Made in 2001 (?), I believe this is a comment on the impending death of film.

It's also really visceral. In some shots it almost seems as if we're watching a specter world. This helps create the unnerving realization that when we watch movies, we tend to watching people who are already dead but don't know it yet, who move along their tracks and paths within the frame despite the fact that they've been buried long ago. There's another shot with a boxer, but we can't see what he's fighting because the decay has taken over the right hand frame. It literally looks as if he's fighting the decay itself (and almost winning) until it explodes across the frame and engulfs everything.

It's a really good art film for anyone interested in more experimental approaches, and I'd recommend finding it on DVD.

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