Now this is an Indy flick!
19 December 2006
This is how it should be done! No pretense about being a big-budget Hollywood movie even though you have a budget of five dollars. Just get in there and tell your story any way you want to, and who cares what people think of it? This movie is dark, brutal, grungy, and funny as hell! All the actors are good, there are a lot of memorable lines, the film keeps you guessing, and it was shot as if the events were happening and not rehearsed. I'm tired of all these Indy movies that want to look like the latest blockbuster with perfect lighting and popular songs on the soundtrack. Finally, here is a movie that is ugly and harsh, and tells it like it is. There's no softening of the characters to make them more likable. All of these people are hateable! But they were real! Here are a bunch of filmmakers that have guts! Give the director credit for at least sticking to his guns. He sure as hell didn't make a date movie! As for the shorts on this disc, they were great, too! A Hitchcockian twist makes Jack and Jill kick you in the gut! And Lunar3 would make a great series on the SciFi Channel, instead of all that cheese ball junk they replay a million times a year! See these movies! And, please, if the filmmakers get a budget to work with, don't blow it by going mainstream!
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