Decasia (2002)
What the hell?
12 December 2006
Decasia isn't so much a movie, more an endurance test. It is about as far away from a mainstream blockbuster as the world of film is likely to get, composed as it is entirely of neglected film stock that has decayed over time. Bill Morrison may be classified as the director, but in truth, he's more of a collage-maker, tying all these images together and attaching a haunting score over the top then letting the results speak for themselves. It's certainly an interesting approach, but when you get down to the nitty-gritty, it doesn't half make for a boring film.

Sure, you can wax lyrical about the otherworldly experience of watching long dead people going about their lives and how combined with the music, it creates a trance-inducing hypnotic effect, but sitting down to watch it and then talking about it afterwards are two completely different things. If you are a chain smoking nihilist with a beard and a beret you'll probably love it, or at the very least pretend to like it in order to look clever, but I thought it sucked. I'll stick to the Indiana Jones trilogy thanks very much.
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