The Affair (1973 TV Movie)
Okay, I am crazy OBSESSED with this film...
11 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Not because it is a great movie by any means even by TV movie standards...but because of the deep and abiding affection I have for the Courtney Patterson character as portrayed by the luminous Wood. Like the former commenter I was INCENCENSED by the way Marcus Simon as portrayed by empty suit (okay, he wasn't that bad) Bobby Wagner pursued this emotionally fragile woman (despite an outward bravado) took her virginity and then when she FINALLY gave herself to a man fully and fell in love for the first time he decides that she is not worth the trouble because of her difficulty dealing with his shallow friends and tells her "I cannot handle it, Court!" and then rather coldly dumps her like she is a piece of garbage...

She then tries to kill herself (or was it an accident with a broken glass???) and finally her hippie brother consoles her by saying, "Well,it looks like you finally got yourself loved!!!" and then they walk out into the sunset and the movie ends...(As a polio victim she had to walk on crutches, very poignant)

Well, I enjoyed the sappy song Nat sang that foreshadowed the rest of the movie and I am a fool for the whole seventies TV movie vibe but mostly the reason to see this flick is for the performance of Natalie Wood who brings dignity and defiance to the character of Courtney and we get the feeling by the end of the movie that the real emotional cripple is the RJ character who uses this great lady and gets out of the relationship when the going gets rough...

I bought this public domain movie at 6.99 at Circuit City several years ago but it is available for free on Google is very blurry and faded but hey, free is free...

Oh, P.S. Nat was pregnant during the filming with her second daughter who she named Courtney ...:)

oh, and Frances (DOOL) Reid plays Nat's mom and she sang a song (" This is your Lucky Day")in the scne where the Patterson family is enjoying Christmas
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