Review of Whack-O!

Whack-O! (1956–1972)
One of the gems of the early days of British TV
6 December 2006
It seems a long while since I watched this series. Come to think of it, it was a long while ago! Jimmy Edwards, better known at the time, perhaps, for his radio series "The Glums", is the archetypal scheming Headmaster of an impoverished second-rate private (public in UK) school. I recall, now nearly fifty years later, the episode in which the school appropriates the Eton Boating Song, Jimmy Edwards adding his own (similar) words. The song had become popular on the hit parades of the time. I still chuckle at the "new electives" that the headmaster proposed to update the curriculum: Advanced Fly Fishing, Perfume Blending, and Steamroller Maintenance. As a school principal myself many years later, I sometimes quoted these course titles in staff meetings. In the 1970s, young members of staff thought I was balmy. By the 1990s, these titles could be taken quite seriously as worthwhile subjects, more relevant than many of the "real" subjects. I can't recall any of the supporting cast having very significant careers, except for Mr Dinwiddie who went on to become Young Mister Grace in "Are You Being Served?" The writers, Frank Muir and Dennis Norden, were renown for the many TV and radio series that they produced.
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