Mildly interesting action drama
22 November 2006
This is a somewhat atypical role for Fred Williamson; usually he plays a cop, or a bounty hunter, or just a general all-around badass who is always on top of every situation, but here he is a homeless, jobless Vietnam veteran who almost has to resort to eating out of garbage cans, is exploited by other people and, finally, forced to remember the killer instincts that got him a silver star in the army, when he gets involved in a war between two Mafia families (those are rather typical). Despite a plodding first half, the film is mildly interesting. I mean, at least it keeps your attention until the downbeat ending - and the unbelievable, in every sense of the word, last-second "twist". Fred, however, should NEVER do fight scenes, he just looks really clumsy in them. The cast also includes the cutie Jenny Sherman, Roddy McDowall sporting in one scene the fakest fake leg in the history of cinema, and Elliott Gould - for about 2 minutes. (**)
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