21 August 2006
This movie was a shockingly inaccurate re-telling of Anne Frank's life in hiding. Obviously, there wasn't a lot of effort put into it. Names were mispronounced, (Mar-go became Mar-git, Anna became Ann, etc. etc)scenes were fabricated especially for the film (The Hannukah celebration) and almost no one resembled (In any way shape or form) the characters they were set to portray. Millie Perkins plays Anne out to be a saint, and although she was an amazing person, she, like all of us, had her short comings. By not including this, the character became onedimesnional, and unrelatable, which certainly isn't Anne in the least bit.

This movie is good in it's own right, but is definitely not the way to go for someone seeking to know the real Anne Frank.

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