Pretty White Kids With Problems
20 August 2006
There was a skit on Mad-TV several years ago called "Pretty White Kids with Problems" spoofing Dawson's Creek, et al. The actors played these TV kids with no sense of anything except for shiny hair, nice clothes and vacant looks. This show doesn't even come close.

The "teens" chosen to be followed on this show - well a few had me suspect that they were actual teens. Actually the show had me suspect it was a reality show - I swear I saw some of the actors - errrr - I mean kids, mouth lines.

Then they name "Laguna Beach" in Orange County as a place to follow or place to be. Everyone has to get out of their minds that Orange County is this idyllic place to be. It isn't. It's the place where 'wanna be' folks who can't afford or want to compete against Los Angeles want to be. So they moved to where oranges used to grow to create their own little pockets to reflect Los Angeles and snub their noses at it.

Since I have been up and down the California Beaches, they could safely name this program "El Segundo's Beach", put some nice looking kids there from all over the county and have the same show they have here. Someone thought by naming Orange County's Laguna Beach a 'hot spot' and trying to make it as appealing as ...let's say...Malibu Beach or Santa Monica Beach for young people it would start a trend. It wont. Newport Beach, a much nicer beach in Orange County is seems more for the middle aged of Orange County, but there is no doubt in my mind that setting teens and young adults THERE would have been better than this. Even getting out of the Orange County fantasy and going to Oceanside would have been better.

The trials and tribulations of the Orange County actors...errr...teens chosen has been rehashed a hundred times - with the same predictable endings. So what is the appeal? The actors..err..teens? The Sun? The Sand? The surf? The romances? The schools? If so, this "reality" show is a big dud, there are other programs to seek.
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