Fantastic....no other word
31 July 2006
My Japanese teacher gave me this film out of the blue one day. She often does it, and as I put it in my DVD player i didn't know what it was about. the only thing i knew was its title and this it starred Shibasaki Kou (my favourite since her work in Battle Royale and One Missed Call). My lack of expectations really enhanced the film. I had no idea where it was going, and as such it was all the more shocking to me when it all began to come together. The film is filled to the brim with gripping emotional moments. THe scene on the island, the piano in the gym scene, the wedding photo, the airport and the final scene in Australia (woohoo go Australia *does a little dance*) are all tear inducing (at least for me) I can unabashadly say i wept like a baby for much of this film. And not just little tears, hardcore streaming nose running tears. With the occasional audible sob in it as well. My only gripe is that it was quite long, but u become so engrossed in the story that you don't even realize. The acting is fantastic. THe actors for young Saku and Aki are mind-blowing in their portrayal of the younger lovers. Elder Saku (sadly do not know his name) and Ritsuko (Shibasaki Kou)get less screen time, but in their final moments of the film u get to see both of them and their fantastic skills. Particularly shibasaki. early int he film, she has a moment where she stares for what seems like eternity, and without moving at all begins to cry. It is gut-wrenching film Highly recommended to everyone. EVERYONE.
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