Review of Grilled

Grilled (2006)
Meat and Potatoes
11 July 2006
I recently saw this movie, and I loved it. Hollywood needs to make more comedies like Grilled. Why? Simply because it is filled with laughs. Isn't that precisely what a comedy should aim to do? Entertain the audience and make them laugh..

Kevin James and Juliette Lewis stole the show, and even Burt Reynolds delivered a strong performance. I also enjoyed seeing Ray Ramona in a different-type role. This is definitely not the 'sitcom' Ray Ramona, however, somehow he is believable in this movie. Would I buy meat from him? Probably not. However, I would go see him in this movie again. Well done.

Not only would I see this movie again,I would recommend that my friends go see it too. I never would have imagined that a comedy about 'meat salesmen' would succeed in making me laugh, but Grilled did exactly that.

Go see it.
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