The Burning Zone (1996–1997)
good idea, started well, could not maintain momentum
10 July 2006
The Burning Zone started out with a good idea and for the first 4 or 5, maybe 7 episodes, it actually did that idea justice and seemed to have something going. Then it seemed to wander around without managing to sustain enough of the ongoing subplots and background that can hold an audience. There was obviously plenty of material around but they didn't seem to have enough good episodes actually written when they started producing it. That is just bad planning.

Interference from network executives contributed heavily to the show losing its way and being canned. Once they changed the cast, there was absolutely NO way to rescue it. It's too bad, with better planning they could have squeezed two or three seasons out of it and then resolved the subplots in a climatic conclusion. It could have been a gem.
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