not much feasting or Sataning, but decently produced
14 June 2006
Not much happens that doesn't involve talking. The women are all quite lovely and can act too and the locations are also pretty, though zoom happy camera-work/direction mar this.

There is one pretty fun dream scene but it takes almost an hour to get to it. Lots of zooms to people's eyeballs. You'll lose count. The villain plays the organ a lot, no reason other than I suppose so you know he's the villain.

Some brief nudity but very little violence, it's well enough done to keep you going but just barely, there isn't any psychological dept to the situation and the plot is pretty straight forward--you'll be ahead of the lead investigation almost all the way so that adds to a level of, "Oh let's get on with it." But despite the zoom's overuse this is well produced, but more of a mystery I suppose than a thriller and if you think you're in for a Satan movie.... Well, look elsewhere to scratch that itch. Rather silly gray hair in some scenes, when you see it you'll know what I mean. Mostly for those who need to see everything but there are worse films out there. Too much talk is this one's downfall.
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