Tales of the Vikings (1959–1960)
"The Vikings"
12 June 2006
I'm 53 now, and I clearly remember how much my two older brothers and I enjoyed watching "The Vikings". I'm surprised there isn't more written about this series, or more people commenting. I was only about 6 or so when these series were running, and my older brothers and I lived in the basement since my mom and dad had seven children and not enough room upstairs. But on the plus side my brothers and I had our own TV room; shows like "The Vikings", old John Wayne movies, "Have Gun Will Travel" and later, "Bonanza" were our favorites. "The Vikings" was cool because of the soundtrack, the cinematography and authenticity of the costumes and props (the ships etc.) as well as, if I remember right, some reasonably good acting without being campy. To us boys, however, laden with testosterone as we were, it was the macho appeal of the rough-hewn, manly Viking warriors that struck a chord with us! Whenever "The Vikings" was coming on, I remember how excited I was to watch it on TV. We'd make Jiffy Pop popcorn and drink Coke from heavy glass bottles....ah I miss those days!!
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