Review of Wowowee

Wowowee (2005– )
Disgraceful Willie!
4 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So, I was watching Wowowee a couple minutes ago and It was the part where the people choose their colors for that correlate with the answers. It came down to two girls. One girl was told she was in the wrong color; but the other was crying. Willie said to the remaining girl that there are only two ways to cry: Happy or Sad, and asked why she was crying. She said that she was sad. Willie said that it was good that she hadn't moved.. only making the girl more hopeful that she had gotten the correct answer, but to my surprise, the answer was wrong.

At this point, my family, (who was watching with me) and myself became furious. We were surprised at Willie's behavior on International Television! He completely just out front mortified the poor girl in front of millions of viewers! That is what my dad would say, "Wala Sa Ayos!" I actually went to the show on wowowee and was a bigatin last spring break. He seemed nice to me, but as I continued to watch the show, i noticed how he seems to be having less and less respect for the people and instead mortify them to his own selfish entertainment. Honestly, i can go on and on about this and possibly write an essay. This has caught my attention and I want to do something about this.

The purpose of the show, or so I thought, was to help solve poverty one day at a time, but from what I see, I have been proved wrong? I also acknowledge that Wowowee can be tiring job, having to maintain the energy EVERY single day without vacation, but if Willie continues to disrespect his fans, well then I think that he should CANCEL the show, or have him REPLACED for a more respectful person who is willing to give the patience and diligent work required to continue this show.

Willie also I've noticed, has started to become cocky, or "mayabang" He acts as if he is superior to the other people on the show. I believe that he has become bad representation of the Philippine people. What before was an entertaining show to me, is now disturbing to watch. (Not Exaggerated at all) I suggest that Willie's attitude be changed because this may discourage people to watch the show.
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