More than a Hollywood style costume drama.
21 April 2006
A real Robin Hood style of movie but relax, not a green stocking Errol Flynn one!

Jack Hawkins (Little John?) emerges with Tyrone Power (Robin Hood?) from a conquered and not so merry England to travel east towards well east I guess!

Together they interact well against a tapestry of "olde" England, Norman conquest and the discovery of the Mongol and Chinese on the way as the two displaced adventurers travel ever onward! Pity their poor horses I say. So much to see so little time, the plot appears rushed and awkward.

I love the interplay of Jack Hawkins with his bow, not! Well it isn't exactly Excalliber now is it?

The superior acting of Orson Welles however makes this a memorable movie, a fine contribution from a great actor which gives an unusual and lucky gravitas to the plot.

The film's vivid colours and scripts genuine attempt to capture some moment in history (when emerging powers of their time (Mongolia and France) contrast against the demands of a conquered citizen of Saxon England is sympathetic but not of course historic accuracy.Frankly it's very naive.

Cecile Aubrey( Robin Hoods' Marylyn perhaps? ) is dreadful and spoils a good film, so bad in fact that I feel her role should have been edited out (or banished not from a kingdom but to an Alladin panto!). The film still has just enough plus points that one can forgive this crass attempt at creating a silly love interest for an ageing Tyrone Power.

The film end appears hurried it's untidy. There may be a better end and a longer film left somewhere on the editors cutting room floor perhaps?

This then is more than just a fragile British attempt to copy lavish Hollywood costume drama. I did almost enjoy it! (Even smiling at the awkward Miss Aubrey).

I wouldn't however stop in for this but wait for a DVD copy to emerge and watch it without distraction on your lap top. On the lap top? Well I can't believe that any of your family under 35 would want to watch it with you on the plasma! It would embarrass you to admit to wanting to watch this one!
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