Review of Vulgar

Vulgar (2000)
still at the 'late one drunken night we had an idea' stage
19 April 2006
okay. this is a very bad movie. it is not because of the subject matter, which is occasionally disturbing but so nonsensical that even the darkest moments tend to undermine themselves. kevin smith(whose work i sometimes really like) has his fingerprints all over this movie. the stilted dialogue, the poor plot logic, the uncanny ability to pick a cast who have no acting ability. brian o'halloran is always awful and the rest of the cast deliver their lines as if from cue cards. the one exception is smith himself, whose cameo role is the best actual performance he's turned in to date. i really sort of believed him.

anyhow, one of two things will happen. you will either get irritated with the illogical, aimless plot and clumsy acting and struggle to wade through the final 30 minutes (by the climax i couldn't have cared less about what happened) or you will find something in the concept and odd execution here that makes you forgive all that. for me, not possible.
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