Pocoyo (2005– )
23 March 2006
I think this programme is very good for young children, as pocoyo is a small boy who befriends an elephant, a duck, a bird who is always asleep and has a loving puppy called loula. Stephen fry does an excellent job- and doesn't speak too quickly for younger children. Pocoyo translates from Spanish into "little me". And that's exactly what he is. He's a small boy in his own world, with his friends along side him and a kind narrator to guide him. I watch it every day and it is not too long, but makes you happy. :) Children of all ages can enjoy it and he really is sweet. Elly the elephant is large and pink and is always there for little pocoyo. She likes having baths and always has a blue backpack with her. Pato the duck is rather quick to anger, but is an equally good friend, and always wishes good things, and is always up for a dance. Loula the dog is an actual pet dog of pocoyo's and therefore barks and howls if he sees something or his happy/upset. Sleepy bird: what can i say? the name says it all. This is a very sleepy bird, who always seems to get woken up somehow, but pocoyo usually calms her down. Recently, in newer episodes, Sleepy bird had a little baby, who doesn't seem to be as keen on sleeping.
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