Daisies in December (1995 TV Movie)
Gripping Drama and Delight
22 March 2006
I had chanced upon viewing this film on a channel surfing excursion one weekend morning. I passed by the usual junk, info-mercials, and tired network programs and movies, then, it happened. I instantly became transfixed to the screen watching every minute until the end of this magnificent TV movie the British have produced.

If you want to have the best of character identification and development, in which a film so immerses you you can't turn your attention to anything else, then try this film my friend. The story is gripping to say the least and at its best it is simply the best formation of a loving relationship since Cary Grant on the big screen. And these people in the cast are old! Who would have thought young, pretentious romantics could learn anything from grandparents about love and commitment? After all, aren't they mostly over the hill? No. Far from it. Despite physical limitations and ailments of old age, these two stars of the film, Jean Simmons and Joss Ackland prove to any doubting Thomas's that love is ageless. Tragedy too.

My favorite line is when Catherine (Jean Simmons) tells her aspiring lover, "Life is essentially ridiculous. Once you understand that you can start to enjoy yourself." So true, and more so for the crusty codger, Gerald (Joss Ackland) who takes life a little too seriously and shies away from gleeful moments that he considers undignified or embarrassing for a man of his age or position...until she enters into his heart.
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