Actually, very funny but don't expect it to hit you in the face
23 January 2006
Albert Brooks is not one of my all time or even a mid-level favorite. He's always reminded me of someone who is simultaneously constipated and burdened with chronic heartburn.

With that out of the way, my wife and myself went on a date to the local movie theater this weekend and saw "Looking for Comedy in the Moslem World." This is really funny stuff, from concept through execution. But the humor won't grab you by the neck and shake you till you "get it." It won't hold up a cue card and tell you when to laugh. And it won't slam you in the face with a cream pie.

Don't listen to anybody hand you their politically correct nonsense about this movie being offensive. To anyone whose mind rises above the level of nit picking, they will leave the theater feeling light hearted and very entertained.

8 out of 10 (actually it's 7.5 out of 10 but who cares)
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