Sincere effort to show Amercan incomprehension of other cultures
22 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I liked the movie - I understand why Brooks would have preferred to work in India than in a Muslim country. The focus here is to understand alien culture - it does not really matter which one it is as long as it is not American. I loved the way he captures the people and the imagery. Of course Pakistani side of his film was more cartoonish and did not do justice to that part of the country. Pakistanis will have legitimate beef with their portrayal. The snippets from the outsourcing office in Delhi next to his rundown office is simply hilarious (onstar hot-line...). His state department guides at Delhi and his secretary / assistant are all great. If you are going to this movie to get some great insight into Moslem mind you will be sorely disappointed. If you go there to see how an American is like a fish out of the water in any culture other than his own, you will have a jolly good time.
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