Review of Sirocco

Sirocco (1951)
Pre-blacklist casting
21 October 2005
There's an interesting scene with Lee J. Cobb intimidating a grovelling Zero Mostel. In real life, Cobb succumbed to pressure from the House UnAmerican Activities Commission and named others in the entertainment industry who had "communist" affiliations. Mostel refused to give any information about anyone else, was blacklisted and was unable to work in the entertainment industry for almost a decade. Bogie's character initially acts only in his own self-interest, but subsequently does "the right thing" despite personal risk. In real life, Bogie was part of a group formed to oppose the HUAC, a group which quickly fell apart in disarray when the HUAC started to push back. Bogie started out doing "the right thing" but when personal risk loomed, quickly acted to protect his self-interest.
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