A Perfect Romanic Comedy
3 July 2005
Monica Potter is a wasted talent. She is charming, engaging, and has great comic timing. There are so many awful romantic comedies out there that I actually ignored this film on that basis alone for years.

Then, one particularly uninspiring evening a friend lent a copy of it to me and I skeptically watched it. I was shocked, but in a good way. This movie is very intelligently written, has sharp, realistic dialogue, and allows you to escape with Marta (Monica Potter) as she searches for a new life in England.

She ends up meeting three very different men.You are introduced to a grotesque, and creepy, self-loathing Rufus Sewell, a short,needy, and very badly dressed Tom Hollander.I was wondering what was going to happen if she ended up with either of them. Then you meet totally gorgeous Joseph Fiennes of (Shakespeare's In Love) fame.Hello?.

Thankfully, these two have genuine chemistry. A weak point in many romantic comedies. The story has many clever plot twists, and the ending is satisfying, but not overly sweet. On the basis of it's stars lack of Hollywood status this film will never reach a full audience, but good word of mouth might get it some due notice.

Check it out, I know you won't be disappointed, it's funny.
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