Review of Barb Wire

Barb Wire (1996)
Watching Pamela scale a barbed wire fence naked... would be more entertaining...
19 June 2005
As the buxom blonde, who by day is the operator of the nightclub Hammerhead but by night takes to her Triumph motorcycle to hit the streets to perform dangerous black ops, Pamela Anderson-Lee creates a titular character that is all snarl and sneer, all leather and leather (no need for lace when your outer garments are your undergarments). Despite being outfitted in leather and spike heels, Anderson Lee doesn't make for an appealing action star -- the silicon enhancements might have screen presence, but the star doesn't. Okay, so she looks good on a motorcycle, but that's about it. Her delivery of the requisite quips is awful, and her signature line "Don't call me babe!" is much weaker than anything Eastwood or Swartzenegger might ever have uttered…

The film makers undoubtedly recognized that they were making a bad film. Why else cast such an obviously-untalented actress in the lead role? What they seemed to be banking on is that Barb Wire would at least be fun, which it isn't. The element of high camp that makes for enjoyable "good trash" isn't present. Bad movies like this often generate small cult followings, and that's about the size of audience the picture deserves…

Unfortunately, other than a couple of very obvious, absurdly over-the-top scenes, this film is just plain boring. Aside from observing Pamela Anderson Lee's apparent assets, the only reason to stay awake during Barb Wire, is to admire what Tommy Lee did…

Watching Pamela scale a barbed wire fence naked would not only be more entertaining, but a lot less painful than sitting through this monotonous, very "Rusty" film
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