Lucas Tanner (1974–1975)
Okay family show on NBC.
8 June 2005
This was on NBC after Little House on the Prairie. It was an okay family show. Aimed at teenagers and their parents. There was a movie Lucas Tanner. Lucas Tanner was a guidance counselor or teacher in a high school. Lived in Websters Grove, Missouri. Guess he was a widower. Recall he drove a full-sized Chevrolet station wagon. David Hartman played him. David was in Miracle on 34th Street. Had some other acting roles. Got into the news business in a big way. Was on ABC's Good Morning America. Well, naturally, Lucas Tanner had a principal or superintendent to be his superior. One of the most memorable characters of Lucas Tanner was Robbie Rist's Glendon Farrell, a little boy whose parents were away in the Peace Corps or something.
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