The Good Life (1975–1978)
The Sexy Dungaree And Wellington Boot Show
27 May 2005
I've always liked this BBC sitcom from the '70's, it was never uproariously funny in the same way as its channel contemporary Fawlty Towers was, but it was always pleasantly funny and always delivered. It was a genuine attempt to extract humour from a serious human decision, that of quitting the rat race and becoming self-sufficient in Surbiton. How the Good's managed it was the subject of about 30 half hour episodes, with a definite tapering off in story quality towards the end. They'd all proved their point: it could be seen to be possible and successful and once achieved could only repeat like the seasons of the year.

"Plough your own furrow" broadcast 4.4.75: This is where 40 year old Tom, with Barbara's considered support quits his job and they become self-sufficient. To celebrate their decision they dance around the goldfish pond at 3 in the morning much to their next door neighbours Jerry & Margot's disgust.

Tom, Jerry and Margot were all splendidly portrayed by Briers, Eddington and Keith, but as has been repeatedly pointed out in previous comments, it was Felicity Kendal who brought something extra to the shows. She provided a downbeat and downplayed realistic attitude that was at the time and still is completely beguiling and refreshing to watch. Those who couldn't get into it sure missed something! Sitcom was perhaps rather beneath her talents, and I always thought of Briers as a farceur, but they gelled together well in their opposition to the world.

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