Review of Super Size Me

Super Size Me (2004)
22 March 2005
"Super Size Me" is a documentary in the same way that Michael Moore's "Bowling For Columbine" is a documentary -- a subjective point of view about the cause of a social problem (in Moore's case, America's culture of violence; in this case, America's abysmal state of health). However, its subjectivity doesn't mean it doesn't make a valid point -- it does, and it makes a point that won't be made by mainstream media, the government, school, or any other major source of information in our daily lives. And, like Bowling For Columbine, Super Size Me makes its point in an often funny and always entertaining way. If you're looking for objective observations about the fast food industry, you should read "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser, but if you're a fast food eater and clueless as to why you shouldn't be, this film is a good eye-opener. It's not preachy, it's just intriguing, all the way through.
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