I was an Elk Man
8 February 2005
Hi, Everyone, I worked as an extra in this TV movie. We worked in the hills near Magic Mountain on December, 3, 4, and 5 of 1980. It rained most of the time. We wore fur hides that kept our upper bodies warm enough. We had some campfires going most of the time.

On one of the days there was an invasion of some type of small winged insect that got into our food and probably can be seen in some of the scenes. The mud was very deep. We would wade into a muddy road area and made glopping sounds as we pulled our feet out.

Somehow it was some of the most fun days I have ever had in the movie business. The group of guys who worked on the show, cast, crew and extras were laughing a lot. Nick the director, was very nice and articulate. Warren, the A.D. was a pleasure to be with. I worked with him many times, including on Thorn Birds and Airwolf.

I watched the movie when they showed it on TV. I have not seen it since. I did enjoy it. I think it would stand up well today if it were re-released with some special notes about the making.

When we did our village (hill dweller types) scenes with George Kennedy, there were more different kinds of animals in one scene than I have ever observed working together in any other project. There were dogs, a bear, cougars, horses and some falcons and a chimp.

The horse was not at all pleased being near the bear and the cougars were not friendly except with their handlers.

Well worth watching.

Tom Willett (Yonhope)
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