20 January 2005
OK this film was created as a pilot but that does not give it an excuse!!! OK as a bit of sci-fi it was not that bad if you pay no attention to the B5 series. The major problem i had with this was the ships,anyone who has seen the series would know that the WHITESTAR's were the ultimate ship so why did the rangers not have them? They were created for the alliance and the rangers were the special ops of the alliance! It was nice to see G'Kar back at his best. I think the film would have a better reception if they had gone ahead with the show and people would look back with a better understanding but thats TV for you.

Now for a bit of intelligent thought! If you want to make a new B5 series or film you have the perfect opening in the first shadow war,even if you want to be lame stick in a time warp (whoops they did that) and have some B5 regular turn up (maybe delenn as that would be cool with sinclair). But all in all this film was a bit of an insult to the B5 name that for once showed the American TV exec's that people will watch a programme with a story arc and do not need the throw away things such as (ready for the grinding of teeth) star trek next generation (DS9 was better).
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