Our family has enjoyed this film many times in the last 37 years.
3 October 2004
I've owned this film on 16mm for 37 years or so. It's always been a big hit with kids and most adults whenever I've shown it. There are plenty of familiar faces and old time second-string actors to jog the memories of older folks. The plot is silly, but who cares? If you like goofy comedies, you just might like this one. Kids in the family love it and have always requested this film to be shown at our gatherings; in that respect it is somewhat timeless. No polished humor or dialogue here, just a lot of smiles and quite a few laughs. At 45 or so minutes running time, it's just long enough to be very enjoyable without dragging on. Don't know if this is on VHS or DVD, but it might be worth checking out if you find it.
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