The Brooklyn Bridge
7 July 2004
The people who hold faith in this garbage are the ones who bought tickets to the pool on the roof in high school, or believed alien autopsy. Brainless fools who believe everything thrown their way.

The factual documentary this year is SuperSize Me. Mr. Moore would do well to take his hefty self and watch that movie. It is actual and truthful, unlike his politically motivated liefest.

I am sure the lefty, liberal, tree hugging hippies love this movie and Mr. Moore. If Mr. Moore had his way, we would all be speaking french and bin laden would be our leader.

Grow up people. The country is doing what it needs to protect itself, and if the lefties do not like it, MOVE TO FRANCE where the women are women and the men wave white flags.

If Mr. Moore wants to dig up some truths, why does he not do a documentary on why France was really against the war....their loss of Mr. Sadam's money from their pockets......

Hey, I have a bridge I can sell you fools!
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