Atomic Twister (2002 TV Movie)
Come on... it's not that bad!
28 October 2002
After quickly skimming through what everyone else had to say about 'Atomic Twister' (a slightly laughable name if you ask me)... I thought I would be the one who defends it, basically... because I thought it was funny and laughed the whole way through.

Don't get me wrong, it is a pile of tosh... but it's good humor, sweet romantic scenes and beefcake make up for the fact that it IS unbelievable and immeasurably out of its depths in the 'made for TV' listings (if you'll pardon the pun).

It's a cute movie, something to watch if you are really bored. I wouldn't rush out and buy the DVD, but I would consider taping it off Premier next time it was on... if I could generate the energy (*evilgiggle*) to get off the couch and turn the VCR on!

Movie people around the world, don't NOT watch this... it is a fluffy film... and best to be watched with popcorn and possibly alcohol as well. Oh... and Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Jake)... in a firemans uniform... I rest my case!

4.5 flaps out of 10
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