That Darn Punk (2001 Video)
Good Band, Bad Movie
10 June 2001
A great band they are, hands down, filmmakers and great actors they are not. Plagued with wooden, disgustingly bad performances by pretty much everyone in the film, you don't watch to see what happens next, you watch because you feel so sorry and embarrassed for the "actors" that you feel you owe it to them. The movie itself seems like they planned on making a twelve hours film, then decided to cut it down to less than two, there are many jumps and plot holes (Whats with the aliens?). To give an opptumistic side, the Vandals are one of my favorite bands, and seeing them on the screen is almost worth sitting through this horrible tripe. The ending does hold a surprise, in true punk fashion, but thats about it for the goods. Only for the true punk or Vandals fan, and even for us it doesnt make for multiple viewings.
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