25 January 2004
Thomas est amoureux (Thomas in Love) is perhaps one of the most unique and interesting films that I've seen. Although the introduction featuring 'Sextoon' could easily make it dismissable as a film about sex, hang on for a bit and you will discover quite an intelligent film.

It is the not-too-distant future and Thomas is an agoraphobe (one with fear of open air) who has kept himself in his apartment for eight years, communicating only by videophone functionality on his computer. He is advised to try dating services by his psychologist and meets women via the service, one of which starts to change his life.

The entire movie is filmed from the perspective of Thomas' computer screen, this itself gives the film a very unique effect. What also makes this movie interesting is Thomas' development of character - not only is it done very well, it is interesting to see how love can affect an agoraphobe, how he affects other people via the videophone, and how other people affect him. The way the future is portrayed is also quite interesting.

There isn't much to criticise the movie on (one could argue that there was quite a bit of explicit content, but it does seem necessary). That said, it isn't really a masterpiece. But it's still an interesting and impressive film. Recommended.
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