Unspeakable (2000 Video)
Troma's darkest since Combat Shock
23 April 2004
Unspeakable is an unusual movie even for Troma , it is completly inept low budget amaturish poorly directed , acted , or written film-making ya know the type of stuff Troma is known for and their sick devoted following (me) loves in their movies...but most Troma movies are so shockingly violent but hillarious and cartoonish at the same time or extremely revolting and dark (Bloodsucking Freaks,Combat Shock) but they too have a sense of dark humor and stomache churning artstic vision. However Unspeakable is a movie that has the poor inept hammy style of direction like Lloyd Kaufman's films and absolutly no humor that was intentional...which makes it kinda hard to get but a fun movie to watch. This movie is very extreme lots of sick degrading filthy stuff that would send Travis Bickle on a rampage again but its all carried out so incredibly inept and amaturish its funny..when it shouldnt be..it should be revolting and disgusting (see the aftermath of the car crash in the beginging and the expression and acting on Roger Cline's face and tell me you didnt laugh)...a very good movie but it's still a little hard to tell whether it was trying to be serious or not...

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