Could be worse...
11 August 2001
Interesting movie. I sat down to watch it frankly because I enjoy the reunion shows, even though most of them are painful to watch. This one had the characters to be just that. Most of the stars have minimal work since the end of the series. That, of course, is not saying too much because this series went off the air in 1992, and just 8 years later, there is a reunion movie. I just thought "Already?" when I saw previews of this.

Anyway, this stank of being a "We're out of work and need the money" move on the part of the actors, but was really a little better than that.

Somewhere, somehow there was a plot change in this movie that completely threw the storyline into the crapper. From what I understand, originally Ben Seaver(Jeremy Miller) was to have become an alcoholic. Throw that in and some things start making a whole lot more sense. Mike was incredibly upset that he wanted to take his kids, and later had an accident because he had the music up too loud? Ben "finds" himself at the end of the movie helping people? Throw the alcoholism storyline in and the whole thing makes alot more sense. Unfortunately, I imagine that Disney was behind the removal of this plot point, and the movie suffers because of it.
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