X-Men: Evolution (2000–2003)
should be taken independently from the real thing
18 October 2003
Although it seems many kids really enjoy and like the series, it should remain a fact that X-Men Evolution is barely an adaptation of the actual X-Men universe (comics & the original animated series). The series itself has excellent cartooning, good music, the characterizations by themselves are good; but they are technically false. I am sure most people really familiar with the X-Men would say that. And yes, the purists should give a chance for a little adjustments, and should keep quiet, but it is disappointing for something which real fans have followed for decades to just be radically distorted (which it is) and turned into something else. Yes, X-Men Evolution is a good animated series, but the best thing to do is to take it INDEPENDENTLY, as in SEPARATE from the real X-Men story line. Treat it as if it were another comic book adaptation. Kids alike will enjoy Evolution, and real fans should just step aside and let it go. However, to those who really want to watch the original, classic X-Men universe, watch the original X-Men animated series (which is not so much for kids, more for the older generations). The cartooning may not be that good, but the stories are classic and true to the comic, and the diverse dramatic world of the mutants, and their intertwining relationships with each other would really be shown. That is the real classic.
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