Review of Titans

Titans (2000–2001)
A high quality viewing night ruined by this turkey.
1 November 2000
NBC has two outstanding programs on Wednesday nights: "West Wing" which has won a truck load of well deserved awards and "Law and Order" which has always insisted on high quality as well as its own share of awards. In television it is important to have a good lead in program. I believe that prior to this year it was "Dateline".

This year we are insulted with "Titans", a total waste brought to you by the King of Schlock, Aaron Spelling whose soapies graced other networks at one time when such entertainment was more or less in vogue. I have to wonder who the bozo in programming was that decided to put this turkey on before the two top programs? In the past NBC has creative programming - they struck out on this one. Boy, did they ever!

I am sure that "Titans" will win its share of viewers and that's great - but on some other night and time, please. Maybe 3 in the morning on Sundays would be appropriate. On the other hand maybe NBC can find something more entertaining. Then again, even watching re-runs of "Meet the Press" would be a great improvement. Better yet, why not bring "Dateline" back - please - real quick? Better yet, local stations can use this time for something else. There is a need for good quality local oriented programs; this is a great time slot.

Yes, I viewed what passed as acting - it was as wooden as it gets and as about exciting as a cold bowl of oatmeal. Are these actors breathing? Are they alive?

Speaking of cold oatmeal just the thought of "Titans" is getting me sick. Did anyone see the barf bag? Feh!
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