Entertaining and brilliant.
12 April 2004
This movie is one of those that will always be remembered in danish film history, it's a unique product written by the single most talented manuscript writer in Denmark, he simply appears to be writing by far the larger part of the succesfull movies the later years, and this is no difference, he even instructed it also, and it is both, original, funny, thoughtfull and just generally entertaining.

Thorkild, Arne, Peter and and Stefan are 4 smalltime criminals that has known each other their entire adult life, they all have a troubled past behind them, but as Thorkild turns 40 they are into serious problems with the local gangster, they are forced to do a larger job for this gangster to pay debts, and finds a suitcase containing 4million danish Kr. After some discussion they decide to run off to Barcelona with the money, but underway their car breaks down and they get stuck in a house, which was a former resteraunt, here their reconstruction begins.

Flickering Lights, or Blinkende Lygter as i know it as, is simply a great and unique movie, it is however part of the revolutional movies that are coming from everywhere these days in Denmark, mainly written by Anders Thomas Jensen, this is similar to movies like "I Kina Spiser De Hunde", the language in the movie roughly takes advantage of the small slang words and funny things we use, it's very realistic rather than the normalized boring movie language that sometime appears, it's a fresh breath. The movie itself is very unique and has some moments that will never be forgotten, some very funny moments, and i'm sure everyone that has seen the movie will never forget the scene where Thorkilds is blowing eggs.

The directing of this movie is rather strong, although rather anonymous, there aren't many scenes where it really shines through, but it works pretty well all the way through, although there is some alternative camera work with the flashback scene, but the strength of the movie doesn't lie in the directing, on another note it doesn't bring it down either.

The acting in this movie is simply, just amazingly brilliant, especially Mads Mikkelsen shines through as the numb shooting freak, Arne, that is one amazing performance never to be forgotten, and he also makes for some memorable scenes, for example when he shoots a cow, Denmark will never forget that scene. But also the other 3 main roles are fantastic, the acting is very proffesional and it feels like the actors very easily connects with their character, which makes for a very belivable film and avoids awkward moments due to awkward acting, simply, just great.

However as usual i can put when Anders Thomas Jensen have written the movie i can put a finger down and say, this is the movies strength, becuase his manuscripts are just so damn good, and i love his excellent raw use of the danish language, that is what he does so damn great, and he's been doing it great a lot of times now.

This movie has its smaller flaws that keeps it from being a superb masterpiece, but it's still a fantastic piece of movie and now i wonder why i didn't give it a higher vote, however i think the movie somewhere has small flaws that keeps it down a little, but strange enough i don't really know which, maybe i need to watch it again, however i give my vote with an arrow up.

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