Animation trumps live again...
25 January 2001
Once again, we discover that when the folks behind a Batman movie actually carry about the characters and the story, and not simply spraying their neuroses and subconsciouses across the screen (i.e., the Tim and Joel team), the product is far superior.

The only real flaw with the movie is that Terry McGinnis/Batman still isn not as interesting a character as Bruce Wayne. They do try to establish this a little more, digging back into Terry's motives, but there's still the feel that they're doing a youth-oriented bad boy just for the target audience.

Batman/future's limits are another source of irritating. He's supposed to have the strength of ten men, but the Joker beats him up readily. It's also been shown he has a built-in electro-shocker (last used against Inque in "The Call"). So why does he need the Joker's joy buzzer?

That leaves it to the "old" cast to carry the story. Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy are in top form, and the Joker/Batman relationship is explored with some great dialogue between the "new" Batman and Joker. Angie Harmon doesn't do much for me voice-wise as Gordon (why did they replace Stockard Channing?).

The story is just convoluted enough, with a plot twist that might actually throw you. It fills in some of the backstory, but leaves other areas (what happened to Dick Grayson?) unanswered for future movies and episodes.

Overall, a superior product.
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