Dinotopia (II) (2002)
Underrated Future Classic
15 May 2002
I enjoyed the two Gurney books (upon which this mini-series was based) and their stories. I hope parents will buy their children a copy of "Dinotopia" (the last two installments were aired at 8pm, cutting into bedtime hours for the youngest audience members), it really warrants an entire family viewing.

Most of us TV and Film addicts know what Dinotopia is about, so I won't bother going into too much detail.

Dino' teaches (is that so wrong nowadays) and enlightens (so what that it's plot and characters are preachy and two-dimensionally depicted). The 'series (not the books) is about two brothers (one egotistical, the other afraid of his own shadow); one learns humility by becoming a ceratopsian-nanny and the other becomes a pterosaurian-pilot.

Watch this one with your children and don't listen to all those impatient and cynical film critics who write tired newspaper reviews. The action and dialog wasn't as bad as all that, and the climactic (and a little frightening) Pteranodon swarming sequences were about as good as any made-for-television film can get without the censors breathing down the program production's backs.

Ultimately, viewers will have the last word on whether Dinotopia becomes a staple on video/DVD family shelves.
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