Now and Again (1999–2000)
How I feel about the show since CBS cancelled it.
28 January 2001
I can't stop thinking about it. I consider myself to be a reasonably well educated, socially adjusted young woman. I work, I make a home for myself - but I can't forget what I lost on the TV. I fell in love with a show called "Now and Again", which ran for one season on CBS.

I have always liked Glenn Gordon Caron's work - I watched "Moonlighting" religiously back in the 80's, and I loved "Remington Steele" without even knowing who Glenn Gordon Caron was. Little did I know that he was the reason why the first season of that show sparkled, and then seemed to just wallow in stupidity when he left it.

"Now and Again" had Glenn Gordon Caron's special touch with a script, and it had a wonderful cast of talented actors. The obvious attention getter was Mr. Eric Close. Eric Close was perfect as the character Michael Wiseman - known as Mr. Newman in his afterlife. He is appealingly handsome, handled his dramatic scenes with admirable skills, and he was a joy to look forward to on a Friday night TV schedule. Mr. Close's portrayal of a stubbornly defiant man in a transformed life who was determined to get back what he lost, made the scenes with Dennis Haysbert - who portrayed Dr. Theo Morris - the meat of the show. In fact, for me, Dennis Haysbert actually became a greater favorite to watch as his character fleshed out over the season. Mr. Haysbert's character became complex and layered, and I began to appreciate Mr. Haysbert's charms on the show as well. As an actor of color portraying a dignified character, Mr. Haysbert was as rare as hens teeth on a network lineup. Margaret Colin had the role of being the grief stricken widow to Michael Wisman's former self - and upon encountering the total stranger in Mr. Newman, is intrigued because he seems strangely familiar.

I truly think of "Now and Again" almost every day. Certainly, I can look at a photo of Mr. Close that I inserted on my computer desktop, along with other cast photos gleaned off the internet and I hear the theme song which I substituted for a computer startup noise. There are times I wonder why I haven't been able to let go of this show, why as a fan, I tried so hard to get the show renewed. I've net talked with people who can't even say to themselves that the show won't be back. I really just think of where the show could have gone as to plot developments, and I envision how characters would react to plot twists that pop into my head that are suggested by the simple things in life. Usually, I then think dark thoughts about heartless Network Executives who didn't know what a gem of a show they had, or how to nurture it. It was a well crafted show - so much that the characters live on for me. I just wish that my show was on the air.

Judy Heom -
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