Final Fantasy VIII (1999 Video Game)
One of the most entertaining, fun, and visually exciting RPG games out there
13 May 2001
The story focuses on a group of Garden (Military Academy) students, who become SeeDs. Their mission is to protect the world from an evil sorceress, Edea. Along the way, the team made up of 17 year olds (Squall Leonhart, Rinoa Heartilly, Irvine Kinneas, Selphie Tilmitt, Zell Dincht, and Quistis Trepe) must now fight against former classmates Seifer Almasy, the sorceresses Adel and Ultimecia, and find themselves going back in time in dream-like states, as a mysterious man named Laguna Loire. Who Laguna is the entire point of the game. So I won't tell you...

Final Fantasy VIII is, what I think, is one of the best RPG games ever. The Full Motion Videos in the game are so detailed and clear that they look almost real. The characters all have they're own personalities that separate them from each other. I personally think that the main character, Squall Leonhart, is very attractive, but the others aren't ugly either. :) The Junctioning System was, at first, pretty confusing...but you get used to it fast. With four discs full of missions, long lost memories, enemies, and new cities, you're definitely going to be entertained. Parts of the dialogue will make you cry, laugh, get confused or frustrated, and especially wonder. I would highly recommend this game if you love RPG games. I can almost assure you that as soon as you start playing this game, you'll be hooked.
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