Review of Spiders

Spiders (2000)
If I had the option to vote 0, that would be generous
12 August 2001
Ugh. Plain Ugh. This movie was horrible in all sense of the word. I caught it late one night on HBO and Ive come to the realization that if you paid money to see this movie, you are one of the most unfortunate persons I will ever refer to in my life on this planet. I cant find one positive thing to say about this movie. Bad acting, lame plot, lame special effects (i dont know what the previous guy who commented on this movie was watching when he said it had good special FX, all I saw was one big blue-screen with a goofy spider)cheesy dialogue(with the exception of "armor piercing, my ass!")I do admit one thing though, It was so bad that I watched the whole thing. Upon finishing the movie, I came to the conclusion that Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was artwork compared to this...dont waste your time unless you want a good laugh.
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