Guardami (1999)
Erotica Can Be Serious Drama!
3 March 2000
Narrow-minded moviegoers who bypass this pic because of either its non-English language or its lurid subject will be cheating themselves of a seriously fine piece of creative cinema, highlighted by both the director's gloriously imaginative use of visuals to convey eros without sinking to depths and the star's bravely professional work. This is the sort of courageous work Peter Greenaway and Helen Mirren might do had they even more courage. Cavallotti deserves special commendation for having dared what few actresses in "legitimate" cinema can ever imagine, and her astounding fortitude in delivering an Oscar-calibre performance while (un)dressed throughout most of the movie is one of those must-see experiences [Sharon Stone only wishes she had one-tenth this much guts and talent]. Hope that some American distributor with gonads picks up this gem and teaches non-Italian moviegoers what genuine courage can produce. {Reviewed during American Film Market 2000}
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