A hard-core portrait of life in the streets of Medellin
1 August 2000
If you get offended easily I don't recommend this movie. If you like your movies with happy endings, you shouldn't watch this film. In the tradition of "Pixote" and "Kids", "La vendedora de Rosas" shows the reality and (hallucinations) of children, who grow up in the street, survive in the street and die in the streets. It features an array of indigent pre-pubescent kids doing an insane amount of drugs, prostituting themselves and living with/killing each other. The movie features no real actors. All the kids are playing themselves. Today, Colombian media reported that one of the actresses featured in the movie was found dead. She is the second actor who has died since the movie was released. I like the movie because it presents reality as is. It doesn't pretend to give us solutions or even explain why those kids have live the way they do. It's unflinching and more real than anything committed to film before or since.
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