Magical atmosphere, beautiful faces, highly entertaining
16 September 2003
I can't believe some of the nasty comments people have been making about this film! Come on - it's not supposed to be a textbook interpretation, and nobody was looking for an acting Oscar either.

For my money this is an excellent screen adaptation of this classic play, and should be shown to every teenager who has to study the text - before they start to read it.

Every scene is a visual treat, and the magical atmosphere, so difficult to sustain in a theatre, is there in every frame. Also, I've never seen Michelle Pfeiffer look so gorgeous. I bet she's got a couple of stills on her wall somewhere!

Some people have commented on Calista Flockhart's performance as being too "whiny" - but hey! it's a whiny character, and I suspect this is just the usual "anti-flockhart" brigade, whining on as usual. Get a life people!

Personally, I feel that if you view this movie as an amusing entertainment, in the same way that the original play was intended, then you won't be disappointed. Sure, Hamlet it ain't - but I suspect that Will S himself would have been pretty pleased with this!
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