Wonderfully daft subversive big-money satire
12 January 2001
A lot of people hate this movie because it is so completely ridiculous. But I think it's superb. It must have taken some kind of genius to get the Hollywood system to churn out such a bizarre movie. It goes beyond self-referential... in the movie FBI agent Karen Sympathy breaks into a Hollywood studio to get the Rocky & Bullwinkle movie given the greenlight and it really feels like someone must have hacked Hollywood to get untold millions of dollars directed into this bizarre satire.

A few cautionary notes: real hardcore R&B fans will hate this, as it doesn't take it at all seriously. If you need to suspend disbelief to enjoy a movie this is not the one for you. And make sure your face is moisturised, because you'll probably be cringing most of the way through. Much of the greatness of this movie is derived from how very obviously bad it is.
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